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Port Moody Winter Farmers Market opens Sunday

Market featuring food and crafts will be held at the Port Moody rec complex Sundays to April 30
Farmers Market
A youngster checks out some of the produce at Forstbauer Family Natural Food Farm booth during a recent market Sunday.

The Port Moody Winter Farmers market opens this Sunday, Nov. 6 with a wide array of food producers, artisans and games for kids.

“We are really excited for the Port Moody Winter Farmers Market to begin again. It is so encouraging to see how much this market has grown and developed over the past eight years in Port Moody,” said Tabitha McLoughlin, executive director. “The products that are available at the market have also developed; now you can find almost your entire grocery list: meats, cheeses, breads, fruits, vegetables, and beer, wine, or spirits.”

Taking over from where the Coquitlam Farmers Market left off last week with its final day of 2016, the market in Port Moody will feature a wide assortment of vendors, monthly demonstrations and interactive educational events relating to gardening, growing your own food and green living activities.

This coming Sunday, there will be an opening ceremony at 10:30 a.m. and kids will be invited to participate in a scavenger hunt. As well, the Port Moody Arts Centre will be at the market to provide a craft for kids.

The PoMo Winter Farmers Market will be held every Sunday through April 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Port Moody rec complex, 300 Ioco Rd.

For more information, including a list of vendors, visit