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Sorry kids (and parents), Port Coquitlam playgrounds are off-limits

In yet another blow for kids out on spring break, the city of Port Coquitlam announced that all public playgrounds will be closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Port Coquitlam parks will be closed during the global pandemic.

In yet another blow for kids out on spring break, the city of Port Coquitlam announced Thursday that all public playgrounds will close.


Washrooms and change rooms at field houses and sports fields will also be closed but all public parks, basketball courts and tennis courts will stay open, as will public washrooms in parks, with stepped-up cleaning to contain the spread of COVID-19.


If you go a public park, city hall asks that you wash your hands with soap and water (or use hand sanitizer) and social distance at least one metre from others.


And if you’re sick, avoid the public gathering places altogether.


The unusal move comes four days after the municipality shuttered its civic facilities and delayed several events scheduled to take place during the current provincial health emergency.


"The city made the difficult decision to close playgrounds today out of an abundance of caution based on direction being provided by local authorities to limit large gatherings and maintain social distancing," CAO Kristen Dixon told The Tri-City News. "We have observed and received several concerns from residents that direction from the provincial health officer was not being followed in and around city playgrounds."


"We did not make the decision to close playgrounds lightly as we know families are home with their children who are wanting to get out and play," she said. "We recognize this is an inconvenience and thank the public for their cooperation."


Coquitlam is not following suit for its playgrounds at this time, said city spokesperson Kathleen Vincent.


For health-related concerns, call HealthLink BC at 811 or the federal hotline for COVID-19 at 1-833-784-4397.


For more information on the coronavirus, visit:


• Fraser Health Authority:

• BC Centre for Disease Control:

• Public Health Agency of Canada:  



Lions Park in Port Coquitlam is on lockdown. PHOTO: CITY OF PORT COQUITLAM


Read more of our COVID-19 coverage here.