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Editorial: Cameras on Tri-City garbage cans?

What needs to be done to stop people from dumping their garbage in city park trash bins?

What needs to be done to stop people from dumping their garbage in city park trash bins?

That question seems simple but it’s really complicated by the problem that we have not woken up to the fact that we are responsible for the waste we produce. But issues with consumption and packaging have caught up with us and we can no longer be ignorant.

Yes, it’s a hassle to lock up our garbage, and freeze it, to keep it away from away bears, recycling is work, the dump is too expensive, and, with reduced garbage pick up, sometimes we have more garbage than space in the carts — and then what do we do?

For some people, the easiest solution is to dump the excess in city trash bins, but when they over flow they attract bears so that’s no solution.

Until people change their habits, more enforcement, including security cameras in parks, higher fines for dumping and garbage patrols may be the only answer.