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Letter: A dilbit challenge to Notley, Trudeau

The Editor, An open letter to Alberta Premier Rachel Notley and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:

The Editor,

An open letter to Alberta Premier Rachel Notley and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:

I understand the issue of the Kinder Morgan expansion pipeline has become quite heated recently. In the spirit of calming everyone down, I am asking for a commitment from you both that may relieve some of B.C.’s concerns.

I know you have both argued that B.C. has nothing to worry about, that the pipeline is safe. Knowing that you would never mislead us, and must fully trust what you say is true, I respectfully, request that you make the following commitment, with all Canadians as witnesses to your solemn promise to follow through.

Do you promise that if the Kinder Morgan expansion pipeline spills that you will immediately...

1. Take a kiddy pool into your backyard and fill it with diluted bitumen?

2. Submerge your children into said pool of diluted bitumen for the amount of time it takes to complete a “world-class spill clean-up” of diluted bitumen?

3. Once that clean-up is completed, empty the pool of diluted bitumen all over your own backyard, and children’s playground?

4. Sit your lovely families down to a meal of shellfish that have been contaminated with diluted bitumen and the numerous toxic chemicals that are added to allow it to follow through a pipeline, including benzene?

5. Repeat your feast of toxic shellfish weekly for the next 25 or so years that it would likely take for the shellfish in an affected area to recover?

Thank you for wholeheartedly agreeing to this commitment. It makes me feel more secure knowing that you would never expect B.C. to agree to an arrangement that you would not accept for your own family.

Sandra Ang, Coquitlam