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Don't forget Port Moody Penguin Plunge Jan.1

You can help Port Moody kick off its centennial year with a splash on New Year's Day. Pleasantside Community Association's annual Penguin Plunge is slated for Jan.

You can help Port Moody kick off its centennial year with a splash on New Year's Day.

Pleasantside Community Association's annual Penguin Plunge is slated for Jan. 1 at Rocky Point Park, with hundreds expected to race down the boat launch ramp for a chilly dip in the waters of Burrard Inlet.

Prizes will be awarded for best costume, among other categories, there will be a bonfire, face painting, musical entertainment, hot chocolate and cupcakes, a centennial photo will be taken on the pier and there will be historical displays in the park.

Registration opens at 11 a.m., with participants receiving a commemorative Centennial Penguin Plunge button with the registration fee ($5 per person or $10 per family of four). All proceeds go to Pleasantside Community Association.

Following registration, Penguin Plungers can hang out in the tent and warm themselves by a bonfire. Judges will select the best costume at 12:40 p.m., PoMo Mayor Mike Clay will unveil the centennial flag at 12:50 p.m., the centennial photo for the time capsule will be taken on the pier at 1 p.m., followed up by the the plunge. Best costume awards will go to the winners of the Best Silly Hat, Best Team, and Best Original Costume.