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Douglas College students help charities

Students at Douglas College will get the opportunity to earn credits while giving back.

Students at Douglas College will get the opportunity to earn credits while giving back.

A program launched this year teaches students about the challenges facing non-profit agencies, giving them hands-on learning experiences in the growing social sector.

This year, the class will help the Coquitlam Foundation, working to increase the awareness surrounding the organization through marketing and computer science.

So far, the students have created an events planning guide, a plan for the foundation's 20th anniversary gala and a marketing strategy that includes revamping the organization's website.

"The enthusiastic and knowledgeable group of students has brought fresh ideas and perspectives on what it means to support our community," said Dale Clark, the executive director of the Coquitlam Foundation. "They have developed tools and resources that not only add value to our current projects, but provide a foundation for future projects."

Douglas College is one of the largest colleges in British Columbia, with more than 14,000 credit students and another 9,200 continuing education and contract training students. The school has nine degree programs and a range of certificate and diploma programs covering everything from nursing to animal health technology.