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Free legal help from UBC law students

Many people face legal problems they cannot easily resolve alone. And accessing and making sense of the legal system can often be difficult and intimidating, especially for low-income individuals who cannot afford to hire a lawyer.

Many people face legal problems they cannot easily resolve alone. And accessing and making sense of the legal system can often be difficult and intimidating, especially for low-income individuals who cannot afford to hire a lawyer.

The Law Students' Legal Advice Program (LSLAP) exists to help those people.

LSLAP is a non-profit organization that offers free legal advice and representation at clinics located throughout the Lower Mainland. It assists more than 4,000 people each year and has operated clinics for more than 40 years.

Volunteer UBC law students, working under the guidance of supervising lawyers, provide legal advice in various areas of law, including criminal law, small claims, residential tenancy, employment law and many more.

LSLAP is British Columbia's largest legal aid organization and the demand for its services continues to grow. Its clinics are open once again to help people with their legal issues. Individuals seeking legal advice should contact the program and book an appointment by calling 604-822-5791.

As well, every year, LSLAP publishes a manual that covers a multitude of legal areas and provides clear and concise recommendations as to what to do when faced with a variety of legal problems. The manual is useful to both general legal practitioners and members of the public. You can download the manual for free at or you can buy a printed copy for $85. Order forms may be downloaded from the website.

The 2012 edition of the LSLAP manual will be available in late summer.