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Jobs fair in Port Moody Thursday

Tri-City job seekers can check out the BC Jobs Fair tomorrow (Thursday) in Port Moody, where employers from more than a dozen companies will be on hand to chat with potential candidates.

Tri-City job seekers can check out the BC Jobs Fair tomorrow (Thursday) in Port Moody, where employers from more than a dozen companies will be on hand to chat with potential candidates.

The Jobs Fair is part of the provincial government's BC Jobs Plan, which is traveling to 22 communities until the end of March. It's stopping in Port Moody at the Inlet Theatre from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Confirmed employers include the Investors Group, Industry Training Authority, Langara College, Sprott Shaw College and SunLife Financial.

Representatives from post-secondary institutions, industry associations and health authorities will also be in attendance at the jobs fair.