Tri-City residents wanting to nominate an outstanding community person for a Diamond Jubilee medal can now offer recommendations to local MPs James Moore and Fin Donnelly.
The Royal Canadian Mint medal commemorates Queen Elizabeth's 60 years on the throne and pays homage to her service and commitment to Canada.
In total, 60,000 deserving Canadians will receive a medal for their achievements. Nominees must be:
A citizen or permanent resident of Canada but not necessarily reside in Canada;
Have made a significant contribution to a province, territory, region or community within Canada, or an achievement abroad that brings credit to Canada;
and be alive on Feb. 6, 2012 (the medal can be awarded posthumously as long as the recipient was alive on this date).
Medals will be presented over the next year.
Nomination letters can be sent to Port Moody-Coquitlam-Port Coquitlam MP James Moore (2603 St. John's St., Port Moody, V3H 2B5, call 604-937-5650) and New Westminster-Coquitlam MP Fin Donnelly (1116 Austin Ave., Coquitlam, V3K 3P5, call 604-664-9229).
For more information on the Diamond Jubilee medal program, visit