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Take the Coquitlam Crunch challenge this weekend and support diversity

The 5th annual Coquitlam Crunch Diversity Challenge takes place this Saturday, Sept. 6 to raise funds for community grants that promote diversity awareness, respect and integration.

The 5th annual Coquitlam Crunch Diversity Challenge takes place this Saturday, Sept. 6 to raise funds for community grants that promote diversity awareness, respect and integration.

Organized by Alexander Bell, this event will feature three different hikes:

a Make it or Break it for the die hard crunchers (Participants walk the entire trail as many times as possible in a 12 hour period between 6:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. and try to beat the 2012 record of 17 set by Matt Sessions. (Participants are encouraged to get a sponsor pledge for each time they complete the Crunch.)

Recreational for individuals or families who can walk the crunch at least once. Registration starts at 9 a.m. and the walk runs from 10 a.m. to noon.

Anything's Possible is a walk on the paved section of the trail that is accessible for people with mobility challenges and begins at 10:30 a.m. at Northside Foursquare Church at the corner of Lansdowne Drive and David Avenue. Jerome Bouvier, of Access for Youth, and brain injury survivor and activist Michael Coss will lead this walk.

A $20 donation for adults, $10 for youth or $40 per family is requested to participate, with proceeds going to the $10,000 Diversity Fund endowment for the Coquitlam Foundation.

Participants can also donate a new blanket to Blanket BC., which will be on site off Lansdowne Drive, just past Scott Creek Middle School in Coquitlam,

To get more information, pre-register and download a required waiver, visit

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