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Take your homework to the library

Tutors from high school will help kids with their most troublesome homework assignments on Fridays at the City Centre branch of Coquitlam Public Library.

Tutors from high school will help kids with their most troublesome homework assignments on Fridays at the City Centre branch of Coquitlam Public Library.

In the free Homework Help Club, kids in Grades 3 to 7 can take classroom assignments to the library every Friday through May 27 (except for April 22, when the library is closed for Good Friday). They will meet and work side by side with teen tutors for up to 45 minutes. Knowledgeable in a variety of subjects, the teens can explain problems, provide advice and show correct techniques for answering questions.

Kids can bring assignments from any subject. Teens earn community service hours for participating.

The Homework Help Club meets in the City Centre branch program room from 3:45 to 4:30 p.m. Kids and teens must register to participate.

To register or for more information, call Chris at 604-937-4140, Ext. 208, or email [email protected]. The City Centre branch is located at 3001 Burlington Dr., at Coquitlam city hall.