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XMAS HEALTH: Tips for positive mental health during holidays

Keeping spirits up this time of year may sound easy, with all the festive sights and activities, but for some, the holidays may bring unwanted stress or depression.

Keeping spirits up this time of year may sound easy, with all the festive sights and activities, but for some, the holidays may bring unwanted stress or depression.

"The holidays can be stressful for people, even more so for those dealing with mental health challenges," said Dr. Connie Coniglio, of BC Mental Health and Addiction Services (BCMHAS), in a press release. "Keeping a healthy routine and reaching out for help if things seem overwhelming can help you balance the demands of the season and maintain mental well-being."

Here are some tips from BCMHAS for mental well-being during the holidays:

Stay positive - try to think in a healthy/positive way, and have a positive attitude about activities, friends, family and those around you.

Socialize - if feeling lonely, join friends, clubs or groups for social activities that you enjoy, or try volunteering.

Plan ahead - take time to plan for activities and stick to a budget.

Maintain a healthy routine - eat nutritiously, get a good night's sleep each night, and stay physically active.

Consume alcohol in moderation - set limits for yourself and stick to them, drink slowly, alternate alcoholic with non-alcoholic beverages, and eat before and while drinking.

Simplify - it's OK to say "no" to avoid taking on too much; share responsibilities with others.

Take breaks - take some time for yourself.

Reach out - trust how you feel and reach out if you need support, advice or information.

Some resources that support mental health and well-being:

Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre: 604-875-2084 or 1-800-665-1822 to speak to a parent or youth support person. Information, resources and interactive quizzes designed specifically for youth and young adults.

AnxietyBC has info for adults ( and youth and young adults (


Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC provides emotional support to youth, adults and seniors in distress. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, call 1-800-784-2433.