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The Rivershed Society of BC is looking for environmental leaders

Long days, white waters, ancient forests - if these grab your interest, the Rivershed Society of BC may have an opportunity for you.

Long days, white waters, ancient forests - if these grab your interest, the Rivershed Society of BC may have an opportunity for you.

The not-for-profit organization is looking for environmental leaders who are interested in sustainable initiatives to apply for the Sustainable Living Leadership Program (SLLP).

The educational program lasts 25 days and participants paddle canoes from the Fraser River's headwaters to the shores of Vancouver 1,400 km downstream. There is also a hike through a 2,000-year-old cedar grove.

The program offers skills such as team building, conflict resolution, communication and critical thinking.

And previous participants have gone on to lead a variety of environmental initiatives, according to the society.

For example, Natalya Melnychuk, a 2014 SLLP paddler, is creating Chase by Choice, a promotional booklet highlighting individuals who have made Chase, B.C. their home.

"The SLLP has made me feel more intimately connected to my watershed," Melnychuk said in the press release. "The trip has given me a greater appreciation of the diversity of people as well as flora and fauna that depend on the river system."

Alex Ensworth and Katie Furness-Moore of Port Coquitlam also attended last year's program and are now working on their sustainability project, a photo journal titled "Faces of the Fraser," which profiles the people who work, live and depend on the Fraser River.

The SLLP has been running for 12 years. Applicants must be 19 years old and physically fit, and community volunteer experience is an asset. The application deadline is April 30. For more information or to apply, visit