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Tales from different lands

Music, visual art and leadership students at a Port Coquitlam high school will talk tales from around the world at a multicultural storytelling festival on Thursday. Riverside secondary hosts its second annual fest at 7 p.m.

Music, visual art and leadership students at a Port Coquitlam high school will talk tales from around the world at a multicultural storytelling festival on Thursday.

Riverside secondary hosts its second annual fest at 7 p.m. in the theatre/cafeteria, with refreshments served by Miriam Cry’s Foods 11 classes.

Organized by Catherine Yamamoto and her multicultural leadership students, the 90-minute evening is a fundraiser for the ongoing earthquake and tsunami relief efforts in Japan and in other countries.

The stories — to be told in Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and French — include Suki’s Kimono, The Name of the Tree, Snow Maiden, The Enormous Turnip, Algonquin Cinderella, The Cremation of Sam McGee, The Teachings of the Killer Whale, The Teachings of the Bear, and The Story of the Heron and Hummingbird.

And the celebration will be filmed by Geoff Scott of Tri-Cities Community TV.

Yamamoto said the function will start with a territorial blessing by the school district’s aboriginal education department.

Admission is by donation at the door (2215 Reeve St., Port Coquitlam) and includes dessert and tea. The event is open to all ages.
Call 604-941-6053.

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