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Christmas fundraising drive begins

Share Family and Community Services has launched its holiday fundraising drive in the hopes of ensuring that no one goes hungry and every child gets a gift no matter what their family's circumstances might be.

Share Family and Community Services has launched its holiday fundraising drive in the hopes of ensuring that no one goes hungry and every child gets a gift no matter what their family's circumstances might be.

Last year, the Tri-City-based social service agency gave out more than 1,200 Christmas hampers and distributed toys to more than 1,300 children and this year numbers are expected to be the same if not higher.

In fact, Share is planning to hand out about 10% more Christmas hampers in order to meet the need, said Martin Wyant Share's CEO.

Letters have gone out asking people to give generously this year with the money used to support programs that are not funded by the government, such as the food bank, the Christmas program, programs for isolated seniors, newcomers and troubled teens.

"We hope that people want to give because the money will be well targeted," promised Martin Wyant, Share CEO.

New this year is a request for gift cards and financial donations for the toy program because Share doesn't have the space to store toys at its Riverview location. These gift cards will be distributed through the annual toy shop program now registering at three locations in Port Moody, Port Coquitlam and Coquitlam (see sidebar), Wyant assured.

"We want to see if there's support for this because to find warehouse space to store donated toys it's a tough situation to resolve," Wyant said, adding that it makes more financial sense to put money directly towards families instead of paying for storage for gifts.

However, Share will still welcome toys this year for those who prefer to donate that way.

How you can help to financially support Share this Christmas.

by making a financial donation

by contributing food for the holiday hampers or a children's gift or gift card for the toy shop

by hosting an event

More information can be found at or by emailing [email protected]. You can also donate online by clicking the Donate Now button.

[email protected]