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Construction underway for Port Coquitlam's latest turf field

Work has begun on a new artificial turf at Gates Park in Port Coquitlam. The city's second turf field is being built over a former gravel field and is expected to be completed by the end of September.

Work has begun on a new artificial turf at Gates Park in Port Coquitlam.

The city's second turf field is being built over a former gravel field and is expected to be completed by the end of September.

Ron Myers, the city's manager of parks planning and design, said in a press release artificial fields are better suited for the Lower Mainland's rainy climate. They can be used year-round and game cancellations are only required during heavy rain or snow.

But not all residents are happy with the construction of the new athletic facilities.

During a recent city council meeting, Coun. Glenn Pollock, who chairs the healthy community committee, acknowledged that some residents were not happy about trees being removed during construction.

Nine trees were chopped down, including five London planes and two Maples, which staff said had invasive roots and heavy leaf fall that could damage the new field.

"I have heard some resident feedback that they were upset with us having to take down the trees," he said. "We are helping balance the needs of the community."

The city expects to replace the trees with a more compatible species.

Adding an artificial turf field was identified as a top priority when the city began consulting with the public for its 2011 Athletic Field Strategy. A meeting will be held this month to begin the process of allocating field use to user groups, which include soccer and field lacrosse organizations.

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