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Coq. council repeals outdated city bylaws

Coquitlam residents face jail terms if their horses and livestock are on sidewalks. All male residents are to be charged a poll tax. Women are banned from taking out liquor licences.

Coquitlam residents face jail terms if their horses and livestock are on sidewalks.

All male residents are to be charged a poll tax.

Women are banned from taking out liquor licences.

And children can't be in pool halls or on Coquitlam streets late at night because of a city curfew.

These and 35 other outdated and unenforceable municipal regulations will soon be tossed out by city council in an effort to clean up Coquitlam's massive bylaw catalogue.

On Monday, council unanimously gave three readings to new consolidation and repeal bylaws, allowing the library to be more up-to-date and accurate. The 40 bylaws set to be thrown out date from 1912 to 1998, and some are no longer allowed under various laws, including the Community Charter, or are superseded by more current bylaws.

The city's bylaw library has 6,100 active, repealed or expired bylaws. In 2002, Library and Archives Canada granted money to the city to put them online but the project didn't include weeding out the outdated ones, deputy city manager John Dumont wrote in his report.

Other bylaws set to be repealed next month include: allowing the city to collect beer licence taxes (1948) and to appoint milk inspectors (1957); requiring residents to clean their chimneys every year (1954); establishing times for when barbershops (1959) and gas stations (1943) can close; and allowing sports to be played on Sunday afternoons (1970).

Other city news:


A city advisory committee made up of environmental experts that drafted Coquitlam's first anti-pesticide use bylaw was to take another crack at the wording today (Wednesday).

Last month, the engineering standing committee sent the document back to the sustainability and environmental group for reworking, saying it found "too many holes" with the proposed policy.

Among the engineering committee's concerns were: the lack of consistency with neighbouring municipalities (Port Coquitlam and Port Moody) on pesticide use; the timing to notify pesticide retailers about posting warning signs in their shops that chemicals can't be used in the city; the validity of a permit system for homeowners and businesses to spray pesticides in emergency situations; and the lack of progressive fines for repeat violators.

The advisory group's recommendations are expected to return to the engineering committee in the new year.

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