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Court judgment awards Coquitlam man $680,000

A Coquitlam man has received $680,000 in a court judgment for injuries he sustained when his foot got caught between two metal plates and he fell on a road construction site at Vancouver International Airport.

A Coquitlam man has received $680,000 in a court judgment for injuries he sustained when his foot got caught between two metal plates and he fell on a road construction site at Vancouver International Airport.

John Witt told the court he hurt his hips, legs and knees, injuries that will cause the 60-year-old long-term suffering and make him more likely to experience "degenerative changes."

"I was go, go, go," Witt testified, describing his physical abilities before the accident. Now he said he "just wants to sit."

During the civil trial, a doctor testified that Witt will likely require surgery for degenerative arthritis in his hips and knees. The doctor also stated that lower back problems would be an ongoing concern for the plaintiff.

Last week, the B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver ruled in favour of Witt, awarding him $80,000 in non-pecuniary damages and $600,000 for loss of capacity.

Justice Grant Burnyeat said due to his injuries, it is likely that the plaintiff will have to retire at least two years early. Witt sells emergency equipment for a company called Safetek, where he earned an average of $740,000 per year.

"I conclude that the earning capacity of Mr. Witt has been reduced even though his income is greater than what it was before the fall," Burnyeat said in his reasons for judgment. "Given the uncontradicted medical evidence, I think the only reasonable conclusion is that Mr. Witt was rendered less capable from earning income from all types of employment."

The judge said the defendants, which include construction firm SNC-Lavalin, Tyam Construction and the Vancouver Airport Authority, should have taken more care.

The negligence of the defendants, he said, "was the only cause of the fall."

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