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Cycle team members pedal, fundraise at their own pace

If cancer could be cured by enthusiasm alone, the disease would be history in two weeks. That's when 30 members of the Cap's Westwood Cycle team put their ideals, training and bodies to the test against a 400 km road trip to Seattle.

If cancer could be cured by enthusiasm alone, the disease would be history in two weeks.

That's when 30 members of the Cap's Westwood Cycle team put their ideals, training and bodies to the test against a 400 km road trip to Seattle.

It will be an historic event on June 18 and 19 when the group dons polka dot jerseys emblazoned with the names of their loved ones to participate in the Ride to Conquer Cancer.

But their willingness to do the ride, gruelling though it may be, isn't all that's special about the Cap's team, says ride organizer and store co-owner Kelly Hobbis. In fact, the group's pre-trip preparations have been about as noteworthy as the event itself, with participants raising 41% more than was expected of them for a total of more than $106,000 - and counting.

"I'm surprised by the number because fundraising is a challenge," said Hobbis.

Each Cap's Westwood Cycle team member was expected to raise $2,500 but many collected much more and some allocated their cash to others to make sure everyone who joined met their fundraising goal.

"Every little bit helps and there have been a lot of car washes and hot dog sales," said Hobbis, who recently collected $231 from a family that held a garage sale in support of the Ride to Conquer Cancer.

Over the past several months of training, team members have got to know each other and everyone had a story to tell, Hobbis said. Some people are riding in memory of loved ones they lost to cancer, others were diagnosed during the training season and still others are coping with cancer and its aftermath.

"There is the physical aspect but also the emotional aspect that goes into it," she said.

The plan is for everyone to pedal at their own pace, with the seasoned veterans expected to ride out in front. But no one will be left behind and when the time comes to cross the finish line, all 30 members will make the final push together.

Says Hobbis: "We're truly a team in that respect."

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