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FEDERAL ELECTION 2011: Federal candidates answer question on representation

POMO-WESTWOOD-POCO MARK IRELAND, NDP One simple pledge I have is to move the MP's constituency office into the riding itself.



One simple pledge I have is to move the MP's constituency office into the riding itself. Financial reasons might have prevented that previously, but it's time to have a central office that all constituents can access equally. I also look to Bill Siksay - the now former NDP MP - as my role model. Bill was a very strong and ethical MP, who taught me to stand up to what you believe is right for your constituents, regardless of your critics, and I hope to follow his lead when working for the Tri-Cities.


Representatives are elected upon an unofficial oath to serve the best interests of the riding. Since our issues and concerns vary as much as the diversity of our population, it is important to establish a compromising set of expectations and a sense of accountability to follow. Accessibility is key to guaranteeing my best for the community.


If elected, I will take seriously the trust placed in me by the voters of the riding. Michael Ignatieff has spoken constantly about the need to know who you are fighting for and being ready to stand up for those who send us to Ottawa. I would embody that ideal by consistently speaking up in caucus for the Tri-Cities and spending as much time as possible in the constituency to get a sense of the specific needs of the people in this community. In government or in opposition, I would ensure the Tri-Cities had a strong voice in Ottawa.


Over the past 10 years I have proudly served the Tri-Cities in Parliament. We have delivered more funding for more projects here than any other Government in Canadian history. We have delivered: fresh potable water to Belcarra, East Road repairs to Anmore, funds for the new Port Moody arena, soccer field, and Rocky Point Park; we have delivered unprecedented funds for road repairs throughout Coquitlam, and delivered on projects in Poco, like the new Pitt River Bridge - just to name a few. I always have and always will put my constituents and community first.



I have worked for years representing the interests of my community. During my time on Port Moody city council, I learned how important it was to have healthy working relations with the federal government and have seen the benefit of such a relationship. In Ottawa I will work within the government to get things done for our community. I promise to be constantly listening and putting the good people of New Westminster, Coquitlam and Port Moody first in the work that I do.


I believe in community. That's why I made a commitment to consult the people of New Westminster, Coquitlam and Port Moody. Since being elected in November 2009, I have held seven town hall meetings to hear the concerns in my riding and to bring those voices to Ottawa. The concerns raised at these meetings shaped my work plan. I believe it's my responsibility to listen to the people, and take action. Visit for copies of my 2010 and 2011 town hall reports.


I believe that in order to represent the ridings interests in Ottawa we need to create a community with open and direct dialogue with the MP. I would hold local town hall meetings similar to the format used by in order to meaningful dialogue and really find out what is important to the community and what they would want me as their MP to do on their behalf. I would also look into other means to build a relationship with constituents including town hall teleconferences. In addition to connecting with the constituents in general I would reach out to and work with local community associations and groups.


My background is technical and scientific rather than political. I therefore address problems from that perspective. It is the constituents of this riding that will elect me and when considering issues it will be the needs of the riding that therefore come first. In fact, I have never made so-called "political decisions" and don't know how to. The other two candidates are seasoned politicians and have made many political decisions throughout their careers.