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Number of educators making $100,000 or more climbs slightly

The number of educators and administrators making $100,000 or more in wages and taxable benefits climbed slightly last year in School District 43.

The number of educators and administrators making $100,000 or more in wages and taxable benefits climbed slightly last year in School District 43.

Information contained in the 2010-2011 Statement and Schedules of Financial Information (SOFI) show that 120 School District 43 employees made $100,000 in wages and benefits compared to 113 the year previous.

The top wage earners were:

Tom Grant, superintendent - $193,176 expenses

Dan Derpak, assistant superintendent now retired - $181,410

Sylvia Russell, assistant superintendent - $144,660

Julie Pearce, assistant superintendent - $144,660

Maureen Dockendorf, assistant superintendent - $144,660

Rick Humphreys, secretary treasurer - $147,955

Jamie Ross, director of human resources services - $135,480

David Taylor, Student Services director of instruction - $135,480

Patricia Gartland, international Education director of instruction - $138,050

The SOFI report -which contains the district's financial statements as well as a list of suppliers with contracts over $75,000 is available on line on the district's website (

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