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On Our Radar: You can help piece together a new Port Moody paint-by-numbers mural

Renewed waterways representing community well-being will soon be reflected on Spring Street in Port Moody.

Remember drawing with chalk on sidewalks and driveways as children?

How about those colouring books where you match the crayon with the right number?

Now, substitute chalk and crayons with paint and brushes, and you could relive those memories by adding your creativity to a new outdoor community art piece earmarked for Port Moody.

Later this month, artist Melissa Burgher, along with PCI Developments, will welcome local families to help paint a 2,300 sq-ft. paint-by-numbers mural at 3008 Spring St.

According to Burgher, the river piece was commissioned to reflect the renewed waterways of a once important coastal cutthroat trout spawning ground, which contributed to the community's well-being.

"The title of the mural, 'Coming Home,' symbolizes the trout returning to these creeks," she said in a statement to the Tri-City News, noting it depicts the growth of fish from small tributaries to the Burrard Inlet. 

"Along the trouts path are Indigenous plants, such as nootka roses and salmon berries, both important food sources for various animals. The orange circles represent marine derived nutrients [MDN]....These benefits have been well researched and its shown that MDNs create richer soils, healthier plants and animals. All which directly benefit humans by healthier air for breathing [larger trees and plants]."

The mural will be completed in two stages.

Burgher will prep the mural's outline next weekend, July 22 and 23, including priming the blacktop.

The public is then invited to the following weekend, July 29 and 30, to paint the outdoor display and will receive guidance from Burgher and volunteers on site.

Supplies will be provided. Interested residents of all ages and artistic abilities are welcome, Burgher said.

Painters are encouraged to bring their own water bottle as refill stations will be on hand for the nine-hour event.

The "Coming Home" community painting event is scheduled for 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on July 29 and 30.