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Operation Red Nose sees increase in users, donations

Another year and another increase in the amount of money raised through the Operation Red Nose program.

Another year and another increase in the amount of money raised through the Operation Red Nose program.

The service, which drives people and their vehicles home if they have had too much to drink over the holidays, raised $27,640 this season, an increase from last year's record of $27,296. Proceeds from the annual campaign goes to KidSport Tri-Cities, an organization that helps less fortunate children pay for sports equipment and entry fees.

"Not only have we hopefully saved a life or two this year, but we've also made the lives of more than 180 kids a bit better by giving them a chance to play a sport," said Chris Wilson, the Operation Red Nose organizer, in an email. "All in all, another great campaign."

The number of rides given also increased this year. In 2012, volunteers took 864 calls, a number that climbed to 936 in 2013.

Operation Red Nose has seen a dramatic increase in its numbers since expanding the service to include Burnaby and New Westminster in 2012.

In 2011, for example, 556 rides were given raising $17,162, and in 2010 only 382 rides were given, raising $10,181.

Wilson also noted that 60 new volunteers helped out with the program this year, people he hopes will come back when the service starts up again next holiday season.

Since 2007, Operation Red Nose has operated for the four weekends prior to Christmas and on New Year's Eve. For more information, go to


Year Rides Money KM Average per ride

2013 936 $27,640 24,535 $29.53

2012 864 $27,296 25,103 $31.59

2011* 556 $17,162 14,987 $30.87

2010 382 $10,181 9,773 $26.65

2009 237 $5,713 6,936 $24.11

2008 208 $5,506 4,135 $26.47

2007 107 $2,334 2,079 $21.81

*2011 was the last year Operation Red Nose operated exclusively in the Tri-Cities. In 2012 and 2013 the organization expanded to include Burnaby and New Westminster.

[email protected]