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Outdoor recreation park for Anmore

Anmore will be getting an outdoor fitness park. Located next to Anmore elementary, the fitness and recreation park will feature a 27-station fitness circuit, a modular unit with one to two washrooms and storage space for equipment.

Anmore will be getting an outdoor fitness park.

Located next to Anmore elementary, the fitness and recreation park will feature a 27-station fitness circuit, a modular unit with one to two washrooms and storage space for equipment. The tennis court will also be spruced up, with a new surface and landscaping.

"This grant will provide Anmore residents with a fitness and recreational facility, surrounded by the natural environment we are fortunate to live within," Mayor Heather Anderson said in press a release.

Project funding is coming from a nearly $105,000 cheque from the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development's Community Recreation Program. Monday, Port Moody received about $681,000 for expansion and upgrades to its Westhill lacrosse box.

The $30-million Community Recreation Program was established Clark last fall and is being distributed to 98 projects throughout B.C.