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Paint Out in Port Coquitlam

Volunteers will be cleaning up the community this weekend as part of the annual Port Coquitlam Paint Out anti-graffiti event.

Volunteers will be cleaning up the community this weekend as part of the annual Port Coquitlam Paint Out anti-graffiti event.

Last year the crews re-painted a 100 m fence that bordered Meridian Village and Birchland elementary school from a graffiti covered eyesore to a lush green colour. This year, the volunteers will be focusing their attention on a Meridian Village Daycare, and are asking volunteers to help out on Saturday.

The annual Paint Out in PoCo started in 2008 when a group of teens got together to address the increasing number of illegal tags in the community. Since then, the volunteers have worked to remove graffiti from power boxes, walls, mail boxes and fences.

The Coquitlam RCMP is also reminding graffiti victims to report graffiti crime and get a file number. Those who take that file number to the community police station in Coquitlam or PoCo can get a discount voucher than can be redeemed at General Paint.

The annual PoCo Paint Out will take place on Saturday, August 18, starting at 10 a.m. at the Meridian Village Day Care (3120 Coast Meridian Road, PoCo).

Volunteers are expected to be needed for about four hours and are asked to bring water, sunscreen and appropriate painting clothes.

For tips on how to prevent graffiti click here.

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