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Photos: Cold snap provides a rare opportunity to play shinny hockey on this Coquitlam lake

Temperatures in Coquitlam dipped as low as -24 with the windchill

The weekend cold snap may have been tough for many outdoor activities — but it afforded a rare opportunity for shinny players to lace up their skates and get some outdoor ice time on a frozen-over Como Lake.

The black ice on the frozen Coquitlam lake sang out Sunday afternoon as at least a couple of impromptu games broke out with players chasing pucks and practising goal celebrations.

Temperatures plummetted as low as -24 with the windchill in Metro Vancouver as an Arctic outflow blew into the area beginning Thursday afternoon. That's the coldest its been since Dec., 1968, according to the Weather Network.

The city said on social media urged people to avoid the temptation of skating on local lakes and ponds.

The pond hockey opportunity will prove shortlived, however. Temperatures are expected to begin rising above freezing on Monday with wet snow forecast for Tuesday and mixed precipitation on Wednesday.