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Photos: Coquitlam Crunch challengers ascend through mist, rain for a good cause

The event attracted dozens of participants to raise money for the Coquitlam Foundation’s community diversity fund

Dozens of intrepid climbers emerged from the mist and drizzle last Saturday with tired legs and smiles on their faces.

They were participating in the annual Coquitlam Crunch Diversity Challenge.

And whether they were attempting a personal challenge of just completing the 4.4-km round-trip up and down the Tri-Cities’ own stair master or, like ultra marathoner Renee Caesar, aiming to ascend the equivalent of Mt. Everest, they were all united by their commitment to raise money for the Coquitlam Foundations diversity initiative fund.

Since the first Challenge by Coquitlam resident Alexander Bell in 2010, more than $20,000 has been raised by the event. The money is used for grants to individuals, non-profit organizations and community groups in the Tri-Cities to help them initiate programs or actions that will improve the integration of socially or financially marginalized groups.

Saturday’s event featured four categories:

  • the Stair Master to see who could climb the Crunch’s 437 stairs the fastest
  • the 8 km run up and down the Crunch’s 240 metres of elevation
  • the Make It or Break It to see who could complete the most Crunches in four hours
  • a recreational division for anyone eager to get some exercise and support the cause