Port Moody's transportation committee is looking to expand the city's network of bicycle routes and dedicated bike lanes on city roads but they'll be asking residents for their input first.
City transportation engineer Jeff Moi presented the committee's Master Cycling Plan to city council Tuesday and it's now awaiting approval.
The goals of the plan are to increase cycling in PoMo and the surrounding area, provide safe and accessible routes through the city, attract new cyclists to the city's streets and increase public awareness around cycling as a viable mode of transport.
The Master Cycling Plan's draft long-term vision includes adding commuter bike routes along Murray Street, Moray Street, Ioco Road, David Avenue and Bedwell Bay Road, as well as neighbourhood routes along Parkside Drive, Moody Street, Noons Creek Drive and April Road.
A series of open house consultations and surveys will be held to solicit public input on the plan before the committee's final report is due by April 2012.
The first public consultation is tentatively planned for May 12, 2011, pending council approval.