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PORT MOODY: Clay is new Moody mayor

Port Moody's newest mayor is two-term councillor Mike Clay. Clay took a decisive lead early in the election and finished with 3,154 votes. Challengers Robert Simons won 2,019 votes with Katie Kickbush coming in last with 321 votes.

Port Moody's newest mayor is two-term councillor Mike Clay.

Clay took a decisive lead early in the election and finished with 3,154 votes. Challengers Robert Simons won 2,019 votes with Katie Kickbush coming in last with 321 votes.

Reached just after the final votes were counted, Clay was surrounded by supporters cheering his win.

He said PoMo residents chose him for the city's top job because of his experience on council and his vision for the city.

Clay said he plans to bring council together to bring on a new city planner - former city manager Gaetan Royer recently left the job to work for Metro Vancouver - and tackle the city's transportation and development issues.

"My immediate vision is to get working on the Evergreen Line, development in Moody Centre and get revitalization there moving," he said.

Robert Simons said he was disappointed but congratulated Clay and the new members of council.

"It was a good run, we had a great campaign and it was great to see so many people who stood up to be in a local municipal election," with 23 candidates. "That's a great deal of community activity. It's going to be a major change with a new mayor for the city, and I wish them all well."

Simons said there wasn't a particular deciding issue in the PoMo run, leaving the race to be won largely by name recognition.

"Still, I'm very proud of the number of people who voted for me considering I just joined the race 10 weeks ago."

Simons said he plans to stay involved in city activities.

The three incumbent councillors were returned to their seats, with Diana Dilworth garnering the most votes (2,954). She was closely followed by Bob Elliott, who earned 2,519 votes and Gerry Nuttall, with 2,482.

Newcomer Rick Glumac, who was active in the waste-to-energy task force, took 2,502 votes.

Zoe Royer, the wife of former city manager Gaetan Royer, will be another new face on council after winning 1,919 votes.

Rosemary Small takes the last spot with 1,689 votes after an extremely close race, beating Barbara Junker by just 40 votes. It is possible a recount will be requested because of the closeness of the margin.

PoMo residents turned down the prospect of considering a casino in their city; 3,676 voted against the proposition, with 1,572 voting in favour.

Voter turnout was just 27%, with 5,830 residents casting ballots out of 21,839 eligible voters.



Mike Clay - 3,154

Robert Simons - 2,019

Katie Kickbush - 321


Diana Dilworth - 2,954

Bob Elliott - 2,519

Rick Glumac - 2,502

Gerry Nuttall - 2,482

Zoe Royer - 1,919

Rosemary Small - 1,689

Barbara Junker - 1,649

Julie Whitworth - 1,485

Jason Hulbert - 1,390

Shane Kennedy - 1,384

Nancy Owens - 1,343

Jimmy Malamas - 1,293

Robert Vagramov - 962

Kevin Hagglund - 863

Lola Oduwole - 645

Sylvia Richardson - 640

George Broderick - 627

Rebecca Helps - 579

Tom Bell - 497

Dan Kirchner - 494