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Social media chimes in on Riverview

As BC Housing hosts its first open house this week to gain public feedback on the future of the Riverview Hospital lands in Coquitlam, The Tri-City News reached out to its thousands of followers on social media recently to get their views on a possib

As BC Housing hosts its first open house this week to gain public feedback on the future of the Riverview Hospital lands in Coquitlam, The Tri-City News reached out to its thousands of followers on social media recently to get their views on a possible redevelopment for the 102-year-old site, formerly used as a mental health institution.

Here's a summary of what they told us:

"I feel Riverview should not be given over to the standard condo developer. It would be great if it could adapt the Italian model that resembles a rehabilitation [facility] for mental health, general health, a learning centre, community farming as well as living village."

- Teresa, Coquitlam, via Facebook

"Let Riverview be what it's meant for."

- Garry, PoCo, via Twitter

"Keep it. Heritage."

- Steve, Coquitlam, via Twitter

"I would hate to see West Lawn handled the same way Centreblock at Woodlands was during redevelopment: Let six years of rain and snow pour into the building to make it uneconomic to repair. BC Housing can start with fixing the 4x10 ft. hole in the roof at the upper rear of the building The site should continue to be heated by some form of either steam or a hot water district heating system and should be made a requirement for any redevelopment."

Doug, Coquitlam, via Facebook

"Why not a new hospital to replace RCH [Royal Columbian Hospital]?

Chris, via Twitter

"I believe that we still need to have a mental health facility. The city has a history of providing mental health services and there's a place for that at Riverview. It may not require all the grounds. You can also have compatible services while still saving the trees."

Coun. Craig Hodge, chair of the city's Riverview Lands Advisory Committee, via email

"I would like to see one- to two-bedroom cottages for seniors to be either partially subsidized for purchase or for co-op rental. We should not be forced to live in tiny, lacklustre homes just because we are seniors. We want to feel proud in our homes."

- LeeAnn, PoCo, via Facebook

"More resources needed for people with mental health/outpatient support services for @risk youth and drug addicts."

- Janet, Coquitlam, via Twitter

"Use for its original intended purpose. Need facilities for mental health. And green space!"

- Eileen, PoCo via Twitter

[email protected]


BC Housing's drop-in open houses on the future of the Riverview Hospital lands will be held:

Thursday, Feb. 27, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., Burquest Jewish community centre, 2860 Dewdney Trunk Rd., Coquitlam;

Saturday, March 1, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Centennial Pavilion, Poirier community centre, 620 Poirier St., Coquitlam.

For more information, visit