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Teachers hold picnic to talk about class size and composition

Supporting Share Family and Community Services and talking about classroom conditions is the goal of two Baker Drive teachers who are hosting a picnic at Rocky Point Park on Monday, Aug. 25.

Supporting Share Family and Community Services and talking about classroom conditions is the goal of two Baker Drive teachers who are hosting a picnic at Rocky Point Park on Monday, Aug. 25.

Kelsey Keller, who will be teaching Grades 3/4/5 and Christi Livingstone who has yet to be recalled after being laid off in the spring are planning to barbecue hot dogs to raise funds for Share and are collecting donations to the food bank.

But while grilling up the hot treats, they hope also to engage parents in an informal discussion about class size and composition issues, which are at the heart of the current teacher's dispute.

Keller said people are getting most of their information from media reports from the BC Teachers' Federation and the province, through its bargaining arm the BC Public School Employers' Association, not from individual teachers and this event will give people a chance to hear about the issues facing individual teachers in the classroom. "We can give specific examples, and what it means for your child and what will class size and composition mean to them," Keller said.

At the same time, she hopes food and funds can be generated for Share, which supports vulnerable families, an issue local teachers can identify with.

The group plans to serve hot dogs and collect non-perishables from 4-6 p.m. at a picnic table close to the playground.