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Toppling tables lead to lawsuit against SD43, former students

A Port Coquitlam man is taking legal action against School District 43 and several former Terry Fox secondary school students over an incident in 2005 when he said a stack of tables fell on him. In a statement of claim filed in B.C.

A Port Coquitlam man is taking legal action against School District 43 and several former Terry Fox secondary school students over an incident in 2005 when he said a stack of tables fell on him.

In a statement of claim filed in B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver, Cody Alexander James said he received injuries to his head, sternum, pelvis, hips and legs, and suffered a concussion, nausea, headaches and dizziness resulting from the incident.

In a notice of civil claim, James said he is seeking general and specific damages as well as costs from the district and the former students.

"The plaintiff has sustained damages for the cost of medical treatment, including past and future costs of health care services provided by the government of British Columbia," said the statement of claim. "The plaintiff continues to undergo medical care and treatment and continues to sustain damages, particulars of which will be provided at the trial of this action."

The document states that on Dec. 5, 2005, James was walking near the school cafeteria where the tables had been stacked by a person listed as John Doe #1, an employee of the district. Five students, who are also listed as John Does, are accused of knocking over the tables.

The notice of civil claim states that the defendant's negligence led to James' injuries, from which he still suffers today.

The information in a notice of civil claim is provided by the plaintiff and none of the assertions have been proven in court. SD43 has not yet filed a statement of defence.

Cheryl Quinton, the SD43's manager of communications, told The Tri-City News that the district would not be commenting on the matter.

"We don't typically comment on something that deals with a student's history," she said. "We don't comment on lawsuits anyway, so in both cases we wouldn't comment."

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