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EDITORIAL: Election advertising and the battle of B.C.

The provincial election will not be held for another three months but campaign advertising is starting in earnest.

The provincial election will not be held for another three months but campaign advertising is starting in earnest. Both the BC Liberals and the NDP are starting off by presenting their very different versions of the future and promising to take the high road when it comes to dirty tactics.

But you can bet their proxies - unions, corporations and other supporters - will be taking off the gloves in what is expected to be yet another no-holds-barred battle of British Columbia.

Political advertising plays a key role in elections in firming up support and, closer to the May 14 voting day, moving non-committed voters towards making a choice. It's understandable, then, that the contestants will use it - including negative and attack ads - to their advantage and the simpler the message, the better.

But for the knowledgeable voter, it's a bit like being spoon-fed cotton candy when you need porridge. For the uncommitted, it's a tiresome an irritant, like being force-fed broccoli when you want steak.

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