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EDITORIAL: Extra, extra

Civic elections have the poorest voter turnouts of all levels of government in Canada.

Civic elections have the poorest voter turnouts of all levels of government in Canada.

But with the province planning to increase the length of council terms from three to four years starting this fall, local voters may want to take more interest in their local race.

More is at stake now that election winners get another year added to their mandate, so it's extremely important to get committed, hardworking, knowledgeable and thoughtful individuals on council and school board.

As well, more reforms are needed to make sure it's easier to oust an unpopular politician who misbehaves than it is now.

(Crack-smoking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's antics have shown just how powerless the electorate is when things don't go well.)

It's understandable that B.C.'s elected civic officials supported this change at their convention - they stand to gain the most because elections are costly and time-consuming - but for taxpayers to benefit, politicians must use that extra year wisely.

It's up to voters to make sure that they do.