America wants to charge us for the privilege of visiting.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recently proposed a crossing fee for visitors travelling across America's northern and southern borders.
The fee would reportedly help the department pay for the ever-increasing cost of keeping Americans safe. And with our southern neighbours' deficit already more than a trillion dollars - combined with the indefatigable sense of paranoia that has gripped many of that country's legislators since the terror attacks of 9/11 - that cost is becoming onerous.
So why not hit up people crossing the border to buy a brick of cheese or fill up the gas tank, or spending thousands of dollars on vacation to California?
A border tax isn't a new idea. It gets floated every few years and is inevitably shot down by strong lobbying from border states that dread the hit their economies would take if Canadians decided to stay home.
Still, with the smell of gunpowder from last week's bombings at the Boston Marathon fresh, it's a tempting source of revenue for our American friends.