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Editorial: Pocketbook protest

Will Canadians boycott U.S. holiday destinations in response to Trump orders?
There are times when it's right to protest, and the U.S. travel ban appears to be one of them

Canadians are watching with anxiety the actions of U.S. President Donald Trump as he consolidates his power.

There is good reason for some of this concern as Canada is the mouse to the U.S. elephant and what happens down south can affect our economy — everything from our dollar's value to our exports are on the line. What's more, nobody wants to get on Trump's hit list, so it seems lying low is the best defence.

Still there are times when it's right to protest, and the U.S. travel ban appears to be one of them.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is walking a fine line, promising to work with the U.S. administration while talking up Canadian values.

But what about the rest of us? Will we give up travel to American holiday destinations and cross-border shopping to signal our distaste with anti-democratic policies?

The low Canadian dollar may help some of us make our decision but will the lure of warm destinations and shopping at Trader Joe's be too much to resist?

Only time will tell.