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Horror & tears at column

The Editor, Re. "Those in glass houses shouldn't throw ads" (Opinion, The Tri-City News, April 12). I find it very troublesome with Richard Dal Monte's light-hearted reaction to the allegations levelled at NDP leader Adrian Dix.

The Editor,

Re. "Those in glass houses shouldn't throw ads" (Opinion, The Tri-City News, April 12).

I find it very troublesome with Richard Dal Monte's light-hearted reaction to the allegations levelled at NDP leader Adrian Dix.

He sarcastically wrote "the horror, the horror" in response to the fact that Mr. Dix's acts were fraudulent and that he was investigated by the police and determined to have lied. He eventually admitted to his act and was fired. Then he was caught riding the SkyTrain without a ticket.

To me, these acts speak to the integrity of the man. His character is flawed because of how he conducted himself. He has shown that when convenient, you attempt to cover the act up with more cover-up. Why on Earth would we want such a character to lead our province? The office of the premier of the province should be held in higher esteem than to be filled with the likes of Mr. Dix.

There is little that is more depressing than to see, if polls are to be believed, that the majority of British Columbians are prepared to overlook his flaws. I know we all make mistakes but when it comes to the premier's office, integrity must rank at the top.

I could never support such a man or a party that supports him.

Ray Kielan, Coquitlam


The Editor,

We laughed until we cried when we read the April 12 As I See It column.

Richard Dal Monte: Do we want a leader who makes us cry?

Thanks for your insights, delivered with wit.

Glynis Whiting, Coquitlam