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Letter: Here in bear country, please act accordingly

The Editor, Re. “Bear ate garbage, swatted at man... and was killed” (The Tri-City News, May 11).

The Editor,

Re. “Bear ate garbage, swatted at man... and was killed” (The Tri-City News, May 11).

I was reading the disturbing article and I find it appalling that the bear had to be shot when this person left garbage out knowing full well that bears are out there looking for food, and for heaven’s sake, he lives in bear country.

Then he tried to scare the bear off with a broom and got swatted at. Well, as far as I can see, he deserved getting swatted but the bear didn’t deserve to get shot.

According to The Tri-City News article, the bear acted very aggressively after getting swatted at with a broom. What did this person think was going to happen? I saw him on TV and he seemed proud of the gash that he got from the bear. Guess he’s enjoying all the publicity.

First, don’t leave garbage out — and I hope he gets a hefty fine for doing so. Second, if a bear comes into your yard after you invited it by leaving your garbage out, don’t try and scare it off, just stay in doors and it will leave. And don’t call the BC Conservation Officer Service. The conservation officers are only doing their job, I get that, but come on people, think a little and we all will be able to co-exist with the creatures of this beautiful forest that we live in. After all, the creatures were here before us.

Pam Lewis, Coquitlam