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Letter: ‘Offensive’ to attack Tory would-be leader’s stance

The Editor, Re. editorial cartoon by Ingrid Rice (TC Opinion, Nov. 18).

The Editor,

Re. editorial cartoon by Ingrid Rice (TC Opinion, Nov. 18).

The editorial cartoon aimed at Ms. Kellie Leitch was offensive and uncalled for. The message of the cartoon showed the latent intolerance of alternative views that do not meet the expectation of the politically correct establishment.

What is wrong with having newcomers to Canada know and understand what values we hold and to make sure that they understand them?

What is offensive about asking them to acknowledge our values and have them commit to live by these values?

I vividly recall the day when I was questioned in a refugee camp in Europe and later instructed in the chamber of the citizenship judge in the presence of my Second World War veteran sponsor what it meant to be a Canadian: respect the law, respect individual freedom and rights, and be committed to contribute to the well-being of all Canadians.

I was asked to contribute first and get the rewards later. That was very different from the prevalent mentality of many newcomers, which is coming to “Hotel Canada,” where one can buy or get the benefits that previous generations’ hard work made possible.

Ignac Fodor, Coquitlam