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LETTER: Spend some money on park restrooms, please

The Editor, Re. “Big bucks at city hall: 17 earned over $150k” and “Coquitlam will expand WiFi in city’s parks” (The Tri-City News, June 17).

The Editor,
Re. “Big bucks at city hall: 17 earned over $150k” and “Coquitlam will expand WiFi in city’s parks” (The Tri-City News, June 17).

Wednesday’s Tri-City News reported on wages at Coquitlam city hall. I have no problem as I believe that we have a good city council and a great city staff.

Another article in the same paper stated the city is about to expand WiFi in city parks.

Before taking this step forward in Mundy Park, how about dealing first with the 46-year-old washrooms. I defy anyone to set foot in the men’s washroom and not be mentally taken back to the days of a one-hole outhouse.

Really, if we can happily pay good salaries and benefits to wonderful staff and also plan for the expense of installing computer gadgets in the parks, we should first build new washrooms.

This past week, with the sky still clear at 9:30 p.m., the washroom was locked before 8 p.m. A ball game was going on under the lights and a parent watching the game slipped off for a pee. Guess where he headed?

I have played senior slo-pitch for many years and visiting teams just shake their heads and ask where’s the hot water, the soap and towels? And while you’re at it, do something about the stink.

Brian Robinson, Coquitlam