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Letter: Sufficient help not available

The Editor, My condolences to the family of the 16-year-old girl, Gwyn Staddon, who overdosed at the Starbucks in Port Moody.
Gwyn Staddon

The Editor,

My condolences to the family of the 16-year-old girl, Gwyn Staddon, who overdosed at the Starbucks in Port Moody.

The statements that resources for youth are readily available are far from true. The incidence of substance abuse has grown to an incredibly alarming rate and the provincial government continues to apply Band Aid solutions. The premier finally acknowledged that fentanyl has killed hundreds of youth this year and, yet again, she wants a task force.

We don’t need another task force.

Mental health workers are being laid off as funds are cut. Children are able to detox but, in an adult detox centre, which is not safe or appropriate.

This issue is not new. Another teen dies and people say, “We have this service and that service.” But that concern sadly goes away when the cameras turn off.

Anne Dion, Coquitlam