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Mad, stuck in traffic watching people break the law

The Editor, Being stuck in traffic is not something I enjoy. I, like most, get in line, wait my turn, and slowly but surely make my way.

The Editor,

Being stuck in traffic is not something I enjoy. I, like most, get in line, wait my turn, and slowly but surely make my way. So why is it that an increasing number of people seem to think that the road rules of our entire driving system, somehow don't apply to them?

To get onto the Mary Hill Bypass travelling westbound from Shaughnessy Street, you must be in the right hand lane which is often backed up by about 10 cars in the morning.

Every day I see at least one to two cars jump into the left lane, speeding past those of us waiting in the only lane with the ability to yield right onto Mary Hill, and, from the straight through lane (doesn't even matter if the light is red or green), proceed to turn right by driving around the sidewalk island, in front of the rest of us.

Do these people somehow think that they should be exempt from waiting? Is their time somehow more precious than ours? How then, can they sit there trying to stare straight ahead like they've done nothing wrong (You know who you are) while the rest of us, clearly of a higher society, gesture or look at them with eyes of hate? (Yes, that is me.) Would these cowards cut in front of others in line at a store or bank? No.

I have seen this done by young and old alike, even by some "fine examples" driving their children or teenagers.

There has been a red light camera installed at this intersection but it must not be set to capture this dangerous and lowly manoeuvre.

Port Coquitlam RCMP should come on out and spend a morning handing out some tickets - there was a particularly bad day last week where I alone witnessed at least 10 cars doing this. I would love for these pathetic people to get a little of what's coming to them. And if the cops don't catch up to them soon, I hope Karma does, because I really don't like starting my day with this level of rage.

S. Dietz,

Port Coquitlam