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NELSON: Andy has right politics for job

T he ongoing foofaraw over the Canadian Senate ignores something important. While we slag senators Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin over dubious expenses, the fact that B.C. is down a senator has been lost amid the whining. That's right: Gerry St.

The ongoing foofaraw over the Canadian Senate ignores something important. While we slag senators Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin over dubious expenses, the fact that B.C. is down a senator has been lost amid the whining.

That's right: Gerry St. Germaine retired almost a year ago and has not yet been replaced. Surely this puts the usual smooth and effective operation of Canada's upper house in danger of grinding to a halt.

We need a new senator from B.C. and I have just the person.

Let me introduce Mr. Andy Radia, the next senator from B.C.

That's right, my neo-con nemesis next door has a resume that meets all senatorial criteria.

First, Andy has steadfastly trumpeted the prime minister's political agenda. On these pages weekly and as a Yahoo (with a capital "Y") blogger, his dependable partisanship is the most important criteria for the $135,000 to $211,000 per year senatorial payola. (This amount is, of course, before any expenses, legitimate or bogus.)

And Andy has internet savvy, a blogger's profile and relatives in the prairies whom he could stop to visit - at public expense - on his way to and from Ottawa, should he occasionally decide to attend sessions (which I know he would).

Andy is conversant with local and national political issues, is a student of international affairs and, as a visible minority, his appointment could be nimbly spun by the prime minister as evidence of Conservative inclusiveness.

I admit there are a few holes in Andy's Senate resume. He is honest and hardworking, and has accomplished something. He isn't a Conservative bagman, a failed Conservative candidate, an ex-skier or a Socred hack - oh wait a minute, he is that last one...

Of course, Andy's biggest deficiency is that, as a senator, he would actually live, drive and vote in the province he represents.

But despite these deficiencies, I think Andy would be a good senator. Although I disagree with everything he says politically, at least I know he would just take the triple-digit political payoff without feeling it necessary to invent intricate expense scams to rob Canadians even more.

And, as senators, go, that's good enough for me.

Andy Radia for senator!