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NELSON: Trudeau has a pretty package and a strong message

FACE TO FACE: Would Justin Trudeau make a good Liberal leader - or PM? T his year's political smash hit may well be Trudeaumania II, starring Justin Trudeau as the virile new Liberal leader.

FACE TO FACE: Would Justin Trudeau make a good Liberal leader - or PM?

This year's political smash hit may well be Trudeaumania II, starring Justin Trudeau as the virile new Liberal leader. It's coming soon to a constituency near you and I can't wait for its debut.

Apparently, most Canadians are equally as enthusiastic to see Justin Trudeau's mini-me role in this political blockbuster.

According to a recent Harris-Decima poll, 42% of Canadians polled would vote for a Justin Trudeau-led federal Liberal party were the election held today. Holy landslide, Batman - that's enough for a majority government.

Sure, it's just a poll. Still, a full four months before his coronation as leader, Mr. Trudeau has this level of support well before the hair, the smile, the youthfulness, have even had a chance to work their full magic?

Just wait until they have him toss out a few well-placed one-finger salutes and "fuddle duddles." Add a dash of anti-Conservative rhetoric and Justin Trudeau's reborn Liberals stand a good chance of sweeping the Conservatives out of office in 2015.

But beyond his charm, Mr. Trudeau is, like Obama, surrounding himself with a cadre of bright, glib 30-something techno types. Eager to bury the Dionne/Ignatieff disasters, neo-Libs will be sure the Justin Trudeau package will have a digitally wrapped substance to go with his glamour.

But while resurrected Trudeaumania may be enough to win an election, Mr. Trudeau's attractiveness will more likely serve to focus our attention long enough to hear a message most Canadians embrace: fiscal conservatism, well-funded social programs and an international focus in foreign policy.

And that's substance enough for more than 60% of non-Conservative Canadians who will happily accept Trudeaumania II to free us from the stodgy, arrogant government under which we currently suffer.

The substance my colleague craves - presumably represented by Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservatives - is so odious it brings to mind Tommy Douglas, who once said, "This government not only appears stable, it's beginning to smell like one."

So although I'm no Liberal, bring on Justin Trudeau's winning smile, wavy hair, boyish good looks and flawless bilingualism.

If that's all it takes, I'll be squealing and fainting at the debut of Trudeaumania II.

Face to Face columnist Jim Nelson is a retired Tri-City teacher and principal who lives in Port Moody. He has contributed a number of columns on education-related issues to The Tri-City News.