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People who don't shovel snow put carriers at risk

The Editor, Congratulations to the Snow Angels for their efforts during this last snow fall and thanks to all of the residents and businesses for keeping up their responsibility for snow removal in and around their property.

The Editor,

Congratulations to the Snow Angels for their efforts during this last snow fall and thanks to all of the residents and businesses for keeping up their responsibility for snow removal in and around their property. It is nice to see that there still are people who look out for the safety of others.

Now for the rest of you Port Coquitlam residents - and our bylaws department- leadership is needed on the snow removal issue. It is up to residents, commercial or otherwise, to keep your sidewalks, driveways and stairs clear for the safety of others who are out and about.

When this is not addressed, you put letter carriers, paper delivery personnel and everybody else at risk of serious injury. Any injury suffered due to irresponsibility on your part is your responsibility.

As for our bylaws department, you tell me you do not have the staff to monitor the snow removal yet you are willing to warn those who do not adhere to the bylaw (snow must be removed after the snow has stopped falling by 10 a.m. the next day).

Warning people of bylaw infractions is not a good use of our resources especially when taxes are high and services are less. It is the public's responsibility to stay current and the municipalities to inform.

My children deliver papers and during the recent snowfall, there were several homes and apartment buildings where snow was not cleared. This creates very unsafe footing for all.

If my children get injured while performing their job of delivering newspapers to the residents in our neighbourhood, I will be looking at the city for not enforcing this bylaw. We all have a responsibility to keeping our children and community safe.

Ken Shewchuk

Port Coquitlam