The Editor,
I have written to so many elected officials and 99% have neglected to even respond. So, I thought I might just send a note your way.
My dilemma is that the tolls on the Port Mann Bridge are going to cost me a fortune. My estimate is about $2,000 per year because I live in Coquitlam and drive to work in Langley. On top of this, we as a family are constantly crossing the bridge for so many reasons so even with a transponder, the cost for work alone, back and forth, five days a week will cost me $1,500 a year.
Some would say I should move to the other side of the bridge. But why should I be forced to move from a neighbourhood that I love due to bridge tolls? I have travelled this route, toll-free, since 1988 and believe tolls should not determine my move.
I believe every crossing or new highway project, including the Sea-to-Sky, should charge $1. This would at least spread the cost to everyone. As it is now, people in Surrey or Langley working west of the Port Mann and those opposite going east will be paying far too much.
Another idea that I believe to be fair is to have a cap for the many frequent users; I would consider, for example, $100 per month or $1,000 per year. It's still a lot of money for a family of five like mine but a lot less than what it could be.
Could you please help me bring attention to this issue because these tolls are more than many families can afford.
The argument put forward from proponents of this project is that time and gas saved will balance the cost of tolls. I say BS!
Something should be done to change the system of tolling.
Eric Santema, Coquitlam