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Singles subsidize families, says PoCo senior

The Editor, A letter to Port Coquitlam Mayor Greg Moore : You will be very familiar with my annual complaint about the totally unfair and unreasonable differential in the charges for water and sewer service between a single-family home, which may hou

The Editor,

A letter to Port Coquitlam Mayor Greg Moore:

You will be very familiar with my annual complaint about the totally unfair and unreasonable differential in the charges for water and sewer service between a single-family home, which may house two to eight, or even more, people and myself, a single lady of 70, living alone in an 850 sq. ft. apartment.

You cannot, with the best will in the world, agree that an $80 difference is fair. I, and people like me, are subsidizing larger families. The fact that I have ensured that I can take care of myself financially and not be a drain on the province does not mean the city can penalize me.

I have no objections with the amount I am charged but that fact that a family does not pay its fair share.

You are a leader in Metro Vancouver so you should turn your thoughts to making this split more equitable.

Elizabeth Twine, Port Coquitlam