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Some Brunette traffic relief, please

The Editor, So you are sitting in your car or truck or on one of the five bus routes that travel Brunette southbound in Coquitlam.

The Editor,

So you are sitting in your car or truck or on one of the five bus routes that travel Brunette southbound in Coquitlam. As you count down the seconds on the red light at the north end of the overpass, you realize you have to wait 90 seconds for a green light when the light turns red while the Highway 1 westbound off-ramp traffic only has to wait 30 seconds.

You look around and realize you are not alone. The two lanes are bumper to bumper and tempers are as hot as the summer sun.

To add to your anger is the fact you've sat there, inching along for 20 minutes, to wait at that traffic light for 90 seconds while no traffic comes up and off the highway. Or worse and more frustrating, you are trying to go east on Lougheed but can't because the intersection is filled and blocked.

Fear not, weary and angry commuter, I'm told the engineers at the Ministry of Highways are on the case. They are studying the situation and we should all be cruising along at normal speed within six months from now, if they are done studying.

Earth to engineers: Change the timing of the damn light to give equal respect to the southbound Brunette traffic. Problem solved.

J. Wainwright, Coquitlam