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Thanks for a great Canada Day

The Editor, I went with my family (I have three kids) to watch the Canada Day fireworks show at Castle Park in Port Coquitlam and I have to say: the show was amazing.

The Editor,

I went with my family (I have three kids) to watch the Canada Day fireworks show at Castle Park in Port Coquitlam and I have to say: the show was amazing.

But what really amazed, and actually touched me was not only the well organized and secured procedures to make it a fun and safe event, but also the devotion I could feel and witness during the fireworks display.

I had the chance to sit with my family in the very front line (right in front of the yellow border where no one from the public is allowed to cross) and I saw the crew in action.

I spent most of the show watching the firefighters working. Some of them were on their knees turning and moving quickly to other spots, then coming back all while their leader moved around, giving them direction.

I felt all that effort is just to keep us, the public, safe and entertained. It made us enjoy the great show and I was really touched by these men. I don't know them. I don't know their names but I want to tell them thank you.

Also i would like to thank the police officers, who made sure that everything is organized and safe to drive back home with all that heavy traffic in the little area.

It is easy to be proud of being Canadian and living in this great city of Port Coquitlam.

Lamis Ismail

Port Coquitlam

The Editor,

I would like to thank the city of Coquitlam for putting on a fantastic event at Town Centre on Canada Day.

There was so much to do for families - interesting booths, fun music and spectacular fireworks to top things off.

Much credit needs to go to the leadership of the city for putting on such a high quality event - an event which reflected the growing diversity of the city and which presented a safe, enjoyable outlet to celebrate being part of this wonderful country.

It made me proud to be part of this great city.

David T. Wood
