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Animal Stories

Trapped B.C. orca calf's skin whitening, no sign of emaciation: Fisheries Department

Trapped B.C. orca calf's skin whitening, no sign of emaciation: Fisheries Department

ZEBALLOS, B.C. — The skin of a young killer whale trapped in a Vancouver Island lagoon is turning white due to the low salinity of the water, but the Fisheries Department says the calf is active and isn't showing signs of emaciation.
Trapped B.C. orca calf's skin whitening, no sign of emaciation: Fisheries Department

Trapped B.C. orca calf's skin whitening, no sign of emaciation: Fisheries Department

ZEBALLOS, B.C. — The skin of a young killer whale trapped in a Vancouver Island lagoon is turning white due to the low salinity of the water, but the Fisheries Department says the calf is active and isn't showing signs of emaciation.
'They're so adorable': Three goats need short-term stay in B.C.

'They're so adorable': Three goats need short-term stay in B.C.

Bun Bun, Leone, and Stella are looking for a safe place to stay in Maple Ridge.
Roaming horses would be 'unacceptable' outside of Pemberton: MLA Sturdy

Roaming horses would be 'unacceptable' outside of Pemberton: MLA Sturdy

MLA Jordan Sturdy shared issues locals face on Highway 99 in a graphic speech to the Legislative Assembly on March 13
Celebrity elephant seal relocated from Greater Victoria to remote Vancouver Island beach

Celebrity elephant seal relocated from Greater Victoria to remote Vancouver Island beach

Emerson the elephant seal was transported from the Gorge Waterway in a van.
David Sovka: Cat and dog people have their differences, but they're equally nutty

David Sovka: Cat and dog people have their differences, but they're equally nutty

I’ll bet you know at least one crazy cat lady AND somebody who describes him/herself as a dog’s “dad/mom,” which is biologically impossible
West Vancouver memorial scholarship honours Keen Lau and his dog Loki

West Vancouver memorial scholarship honours Keen Lau and his dog Loki

The pair died in a tragic drowning accident in West Van's Cypress Creek last year
Elephant seal herded back to waterfront after wandering onto street

Elephant seal herded back to waterfront after wandering onto street

Emerson, who has become a local celebrity after showing up in Oak Bay last year, turned up at Gorge and Admirals roads this week
Survival clock ticks for trapped B.C. orca calf, as gear arrives for complex rescue

Survival clock ticks for trapped B.C. orca calf, as gear arrives for complex rescue

ZEBALLOS, B.C. — Equipment for the rescue of a killer whale calf stranded in a Vancouver Island lagoon has started arriving in the remote community of Zeballos, ahead of a complex operation that could happen as early as next week.
He's kept honeybees for seven years. Coquitlam is now fining him

He's kept honeybees for seven years. Coquitlam is now fining him

Coquitlam resident Thomas Drelich is challenging the city's bylaw on urban beekeeping. He's facing a $150 fine if his hives aren't removed by April 19.